For my first A Level Project I selected the theme of Body and the influences of the unknown and nature on the appearance of the human body. 
Firstly, I created a mind map to explore the themes within the human body and the insecurities involved around them. After that, I was challenged to created a human body part so I created a human heart out of scrap fabrics and stuffing. 
Primary Research: Using a microscope I analysed my own body including moles, finger prints and birth scars. Then, using the internet and books I researched the different types of cells within the human body. 
Artist research: I researched five different artists that focuses on various methods including stitching, painting and felting; I developed physical samples for each artist as well as research into their background and methods. 
I created physical and drawing samples of the human body using various methods including paintings, machine embroidery and sketching. 
Initial Designs: The initial designs are based on the style of Georgia O Keefe with autumnal colours linking to how humans are related to nature but I felt like the initial designs didn’t link to my other artist research pages and colour scheme. 
Final Design Ideas: These ideas are based on anatomy of the body parts in various colours and techniques. I sketched out the initial basis of the idea including the techniques and methods. 
Final Piece: My final piece consist of a plain t-shirt I brought at a charity shop which I developed with embroidery of veins, nipples and rib cage as well as a felted heart. The colour scheme is red, yellow, black and blue. Linking to the theme of body insecurities I hand embroidered key words; on the front the words are about self love and healing and on the back are negative words linking to the insecurities within society. 
Body Project

Body Project
